Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

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Even as Mega Man and his mechanical compatriots struggle to escape the Prototype and defeat the mysterious Slur, life goes on. Between battles, the Robot Masters and Mistresses can always find an unused field lying about to shoot the breeze and have a few E-Tanks.

Necessary Requirement
>You must have read this entire story to post, or at least the saga. This is for the best storytelling and no plotholes.
>Please don't god-mod your characters! Make it sensible! The only cases of extreme power we've seen so far has been shown by Enker and similar characters, but even then I try to fit their power with, for example, the Stardroids from Gigamix. Quite powerful robots, but they're not gods in any sense.
>Try to make a sensible story-line! This is important because if your story-telling skills aren't so good, you drag the whole thing down, and as creator, I reserve the right to change or modify your post if it doesn't mean standards.

Disclaimer: Slight language is used here. If you do not tolerate even the slightest signs of language, this thread is not for you.

Try to use your align-rights and align-lefts, it makes the dialogue seem more in-game.

Rules about Language!
-Your F-Bombs, A-words, your B-insults, Racial insults and anything sexual is NOT allowed here.
-Dam%, Hel%, and those minor curses are allowed, but put a disclaimer at the top of your comment.
-Try not to put anything about religion in this. Some users could be offended, so replace your "Oh My ___" with "Oh My Tesla/Wily/Light/Edison". You get what I mean.(Plus, having something like that would take the reader out of the experience.
-If you do happen to curse badly or break any of these rules, I will personally edit your comment to make it safer and give you a warning that you can't say that. This is a family-friendly website, let's try to keep it that way.

Hello, fellow Role-Players, I have a thread for our little group! As you can read on a little unrelated thread, we've been following the adventures of our heroes against the perilous bomb group, who don't realize Bombs are NOT toys! How will this story conclude? And what further adventures do you have for our heroes? I don't know, it's up to you! The Community stars in our Role-Playing Thread! Have fun and pretend you're fighting as your childhood hero or your own hero! Or maybe the villain?

dr-wilyI get the main role because I'm the best! Bow to Lord Wily!

flash-manI know you're my creator and all, but your bark doesn't exactly match your bite....

Adventure Log
After each "saga", I will write a little summary of the adventures had! I will only write it down when the Community decides a certain story is done.

How to Bomb the First Adventure: The Bomb party is going downtown, but one problem! The explosive-cores have no idea how dangerous their weapons are, so it's up to the First line as well as two other new heroes to save Mega City! However, twists are around the corner....

Reseved List
These are characters that can only be used by the user mentioned next to them. You cannot use them, unless otherwise said. You can make a request for characters though.

Top Man, Liquid Spinstrike, Air Man, Wood Man, Crystal Man, Disco, Needle Man~Spinstrike
Skull Man, Dust Man, Drill Man and Alt, Ballade, Ring Man~TheDoc
Bt Man, Sergeant Man, Ninja Man-Bt Man

Important rules about reserving!

You can reserve 5 single characters at a time.
Reserving Mechas are fine, because having more than one really doesn't do anything either way.
When you reserve a character, it is allowed for other players to PM you for if they could "borrow" that character. It is your decision to allow it or not.
Characters like Mega Man, Proto Man(especially), Bass, and the Doctors cannot be reserved. Villains cannot be reserved either
Try not to overdo it with the fan-characters, it sorta limits the story and the ones we have now are fine. And definitely no Mary Sues!(IE A perfect fan-character.)
Please be a good writer!
Don't just reserve characters because you like them! If you're reserving them, it should be for a story-reason, not because you wanted a certain character!

Notes: No posting until the RP is finished!

Ban List
Mega Man(For Now)
Alt characters(For Now){Liquid Top Man/Spinstrike, TailsMK4 and Drill Man are excused.}
Bass(For Now)
God-mod Characters(They're generally dis-interesting. Characters with flaws are much better, anyway)

Banned Events
You cannot reveal who the Master is.
You cannot end a season by yourself.[Side-note, get those stories finished people!]
Please, please do not add random events into the story. This is not a general RP thread, this has a story. Please do that on your own RP threads, this is not the only RP thread. Please read up on the story, or at least saga.
Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!)
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm
Viewed 10690 Times
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on August 28th, 2014 at 10:38pm
Posted 2014/08/28 at 10:38pm
@TheDoc : I think he meant to say you, but apparently it came out as me.

elec-manOf course, it's practically impossible not to talk about my beauty!

Get back FlamboyantBossMan! Who let you out of the basement?!
^ Top
4,502,757 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 29th, 2014 at 8:24am Edited on 2014/08/29 at 12:44pm
Posted 2014/08/29 at 8:24am Edited 2014/08/29 at 12:44pm
To settle this whole "Two Shadow Men" debacle, I'm just going to change my Shadow Man into Metal Man. Btman is free to use the original Shadow Man.

EDIT: Hey, MBM, would you mind editing that old post of yours that featured my plotline and replace Shadow Man with Metal Man?

Also, I can't seem to place any frame for Super Arm other than the first nine. A little help, please?
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on August 29th, 2014 at 1:39pm Edited on 2014/08/30 at 12:42pm
Posted 2014/08/29 at 1:39pm Edited 2014/08/30 at 12:42pm
Yeah, you got it. Also, I don't think this whole sprite thing is programmed to use frames over 9, sadly.

Back at the secret location, Mega Man, Proto Man, and Elec Man are doing battle against a shape-shifter designated Boss Man.


enkerAfter all I heard of the mighty hero of Earth, this is all he amounts to?

mega-manNo....I can't lose this far in....

proto-manHe's not nearly as strong as the Killers....But he's still so powerful...


mega-manElec Man? It seems...That last blast was too much for him....

enkerOver so soon....Hehe! What did the Killers have to complain about? I'll take Proto Man back, you two can stay.

proto-manI may be coming with you....Or you'll be coming with me! HRAAAA!

enkerA little fight in you....I like that. That one actually hurt....
proto-manThen you're going to love me (This guy took my full power head-on...)

enkerAdios, losers! See you when you become our slaves!

mega-manWait, tell us....Why are you attacking Earth?

enkerWell, I can't reject a last request as simple as that.
It's because of Proto Man. He's fundamentally different from every other robot documented, but I can't spoil anything else.

mega-manOne more thing, is that incoming flame behind you yours or ours?

enkerWhat are you-Huraa!enkerfire-chaser

robotWhat makes you think you can kill Mega Man?

bass_flameDestiny has reserved that honor for me.


enkerIt can't be...How does this planet have Starforce?!

bass_flameDr. Wily managed to analyze part of your data when you came to pick up Disco.
bass_flameDr. Wily doesn't have much of this new power, but it's more than enough to take care of you.
mega-manI can't believe it...I never thought you'd save us Bass! Guess people do change!
bass_flameDon't expect anything like that. Just shut up and take this.
*Throws Mega Man a Nature Star*
mega-man_natureWhat power! Let's take down this creep.
proto-manWhat about me?

bass_flameDr. Wily created this fake stars based on my design, which means it'd work on Mega Man too. However, you're too fundamentally different.

enkerEnough talk! Do you think you really think you can beat me? I beat three of you, and now only two stand before me, and one of them is weakened!

bass_flameLet's find out, shall we?!

bass_flameBlock that!
mega-man_natureGot it!

enkerNo, it was just one little planet...How did they?!
*Boss Man transforms into multiple shapes, then fades into nothingness.

bassTake the star out. Having all that power for too long can literally make you implode on yourself.

mega-manGot it, don't want that to happen.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2014 at 5:40pm Edited on 2014/08/30 at 6:07pm
Posted 2014/08/30 at 5:40pm Edited 2014/08/30 at 6:07pm
Back at the Citadel...

ring-man *wipes off hands* Now, back to my monologue....Hel-lo, who's this behind you weaklings? A bundle of defeated robots, eh? Time to stop relying on the
built-in upgrades and put this new copying ability to use...

turbo-manNot so fast scum! Did you really think we'd be beaten that easily?!


turbo-manNough nap time boys! Now play MY music!(Click music)
stone-manStone! Haha!
turbo-manstone-mansnake-manhard-mancrash-manTogether we are, SOAKSTGR! Fighting in the name of Wily and charisma!


turbo-manExactly Ring Man! We are the hope in the universe, the last piece of bacon in the fridge! We....Are....SOAKSTGR!

crash-manLet's use our ultimate attack! WILY OMEGA HYPHA BUSTER BLAST!

discorollrhythmWow, you guys are the coolest! Can we have your autographs?!

turbo-manOf course ladies, of course.

crash-manThis is going all to his head.....

discoCould you write, "Wake Up?"(click Wake Up)

turbo-manYes, sure!
What actually was happening.....


It was all a dream after all....
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4930 PP
Posted on August 31st, 2014 at 4:46pm
Posted 2014/08/31 at 4:46pm
Gyro Man, Bright Man, and Spark Man are all helping.
Yamato Man returned Ninja Man and is at Dr. Wily's guarding, so remove him and the extra Knight Man.
Plug Man, Blizzard Man, Bubble Man, Toad Man, Shadow Man, Knight Man, Charge Man, Wind Man, and Flame Man are currently waiting for Enker to be fought. However, with the Mega Man Killers distracted, they are to jump into battle. I'll keep Shadow Man, Btman, Gyro Man, Bright Man, and Spark Man, but the others are available.

shadow-man Huh!? How is Mega Man up!? And where did Proto Man and Elec Man come from!? Ugh, nevermind. Plug Man! Blizzard Man! Bubble Man! Toad Man! Knight Man! Charge Man! Wind Man! Flame Man! Attack Retro Pikachu! Shadow Blade!
*(Darth Vader Voice) Join the Music Side. We have cookies*
shadow-man shadow-blade proto-man_electric shadow-blade

(I hope Retro Pikachu didn't mind if I used his character for the damage thing...)
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on August 31st, 2014 at 5:12pm
Posted 2014/08/31 at 5:12pm
mega-manWhat's going on over there?
bassSeems like that Retro freak and some weakling Robot Masters.
bassAnyway, this is where I'll leave you be. Take Elec Man somewhere, Wily's too busy with other...things.
*Bass teleports out
proto-manThat was ominous....
*Mega Man and Proto Man teleport out, with Elec Man

Meanwhile, back at Wily Castle.....
dr-wilyThose fools! Hahaha! While they're distracted, I'll slip out under all the chaos!
dr-wilyThanks to my Transporverse, I'll slip out into another universe and take it over! Hahaha!
dr-wilyMy brilliance here was wasted, but in another universe, I'll be a god!
dr-wilyIt'll probably be ready sometime soon.... (Approximately until next saga...:))
^ Top
12,787,140 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on August 31st, 2014 at 6:18pm Edited on 2014/09/01 at 1:33am
Posted 2014/08/31 at 6:18pm Edited 2014/09/01 at 1:33am
[Eh, I guess now is as good a time as ever for another plot twist...]

After hours of searching...


robotMy patience is growing thin. I hope you will retrieve Proto Man very soon. Boss Man failed me, so I only have you now.
enkerIt's true we all have had setbacks. I've been separated from the rest of the Killers, though, so I suppose my best bet is to just ambush him myself. You have granted me some Starforce, though, so I believe it will be enough to take out anyone standing in my way.
robotIt better be, Starforce is very hard to find. ...What's this? I detect a huge power coming your way, Enker.
enkerI detect it too...and I've felt this power before. There's only one robot with that much power on this planet...
robot...Guess you detected me, huh?


enkerYou're that robot from before at the Abandoned Warehouse.
gemini-man...Indeed. I've come for a rematch.
robotThe power of this it possible this robot has Starforce?!
gemini-man...Who talked just now? How do you know about Starforce?
robotEnker...capture this robot. He may be key to our mission's success now.
enkerAs you wish, master. ...TailsMK4, we have our rematch now!


(The battle begins with a Thunder Beam attack from the other robot to Enker, who proceeds to block with his Mirror Buster. Enker releases the charge, though the other robot dodges to the side.)

gemini-man...Did you think I'd fall for it twice?
enkerYour attacks are futile against me! Surrender now!
gemini-man...Perhaps it's time for me to stop holding back.

(All of a sudden, the other robot throws a Ring Boomerang to Enker, who wasn't expecting such a quick attack. Enker manages to dodge the return attack, but appears to be hurt badly.)

enkerThis robot is too strong for me. Another couple of blows and I'm done.
gemini-man...I had the advantage all along, you know. I knew you had a weakness to the Cutter element.
robot...This robot is very skilled. If I can just catch him at a good time...
enker...For you, I continue fighting, master!

(Just as sudden as the Ring Boomerang attack...)


gemini-man!!! What?!



(The other robot suddenly violently shakes and brings itself to the ground, trying to control the huge amount of pain it's dealing with.)

enker... (Can the master really control someone like him? If this succeeds, I know I stand no chance against the master...)

(The shaking finally stops and the robot brings itself back up and stares at Enker's master.)

gemini-man_alt...What is your command, master?
enker...! Master, you did it?
robotHis will was strong, but your blow to him was just enough for me to start my brainwash. It's not a perfect grip on him, but he will obey us for the time being. You have done well, Enker. Take this robot with you and find Proto Man!
enkerYes, master! (He did it...I guess I have no choice but to continue following his order...for now.)

(Enker jumps off with the other robot following him in search of Proto Man.)

[I give permission for future story developers to use my character for the time being. The only thing you need to know is that this robot has a lot of Starforce in him.]
^ Top
12,770,493 BP
54 TP | 1665 PP
Posted on August 31st, 2014 at 6:28pm Edited on 2014/08/31 at 10:41pm
Posted 2014/08/31 at 6:28pm Edited 2014/08/31 at 10:41pm
bass_water mega-man_shadow

bass_wateri am metakirb, on of the best of the best.
mega-man-copyand i am shadow mega, part of metakirbs team, M-E-T-A-P-O-W-E-R.
cut-mani am cutter past, the cutter part of the group.
ice-mani am ice man, the same as before.
star-mani am still star man, and i am the defense part of the group.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 12:34am Edited on 2014/09/01 at 1:45am
Posted 2014/09/01 at 12:34am Edited 2014/09/01 at 1:45am
proto-manMega Man, do you feel that power?! It must be Enker...And Punk?
mega-manNo, my radar got damaged, mind telling me the location?
proto-manSure, seems to be around unit 432.
mega-manThey're coming straight towards us...Proto Man, tell Dr. Light and Roll this was my decision...
*Mega Man teleports
proto-manNo! Mega Man! I won't let this be in vain....I'll stop them one day!

enkerSeems that's Mega Man. Tails, how'd you like to take this one? I want to see your power...
gemini-man_altWith pleasure.
Once again, music.
mega-manIf you want Proto Man, fight me first!
enkerCareful with this one, he's weak, but his fighting skill is superb.
gemini-man_altthunder-beam          mega-man

*Mega Man expertly dodges the attack, but is still pushed away by the massive power
mega-manI knew I'd be helpless, but this.....
gemini-man_altYou can surrender now and be turned, or be destroyed. Either way, Proto Man is ours.
gemini-man_altmega-buster          mega-man

*Tails receives no damage whatsoever....
gemini-man_altCute. Now it's my turn.
gemini-man_alt          thunder-strikemega-man
enker(Tails doesn't realize it yet, but I purposely didn't use my full power in our battle. I'll watch him for a flaw, and when he shows it....)
(I'll take his Starforce, recruit my brothers once again, and challenge the master with our power! First though....)
gemini-man_altIs that enough? Or would you like to see more?
*Tails closes in
enker(Besides being able to use moves that aren't my core type, I can also modify them. Bright Burst, for example...)
enkerSolar Flare!
bright-burstenkerbright-burstgemini-man_alt      mega-man

*Both robots are blinded by the light.

*Mega Man is stabbed, and Enker's staff is protruding out his back.(Pretend Gemini Laser is his staff)
enkerWhat'd you expect? I AM a Mega Man Killer! Now to absorb your data!

*Mega Man fades....
mega-manI'm sorry....everyone....
gemini-man_alt(What brutality!)
enkerWhat are you gawking at? We need to find Proto Man!

^ Top
12,787,140 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 1:27am
Posted 2014/09/01 at 1:27am
[Way to pull off another plot twist, MBM. Interested to see how this turns out. I guess Starforce really changed the story quite a bit, did it?]
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 1:32am Edited on 2014/09/01 at 1:40am
Posted 2014/09/01 at 1:32am Edited 2014/09/01 at 1:40am
Yeah, I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this yet, seeing so many plot twists in one day. I think it turned well, despite the brutality of it all. And yes, Starforce induces plot-twist galore.

Sorry to down-play your character compared to Enker, I didn't see it fit that he could be surpassed. If anything, I'd say they're more rivals in strength, with TailsMK4's strategic planning winning him the last battle....Well, until the master intervened.

EDIT: Yes, Enker has starforce. If he didn't, Tails would have ANNILATED him.
^ Top
12,787,140 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 1:37am
Posted 2014/09/01 at 1:37am
[Enker has Starforce. I'd say that's good enough of an excuse to modify that scenario a bit.]
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4930 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 6:36am Edited on 2014/09/03 at 5:06pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 6:36am Edited 2014/09/03 at 5:06pm

bass_swift (Wakes up) Ugh... huh? What is going on!?
yamato-man Watashi wa anata ga esukēpu shinai koto o kakunin shite imasu. (I an here to make sure you don't escape.]{cutter}
bass_swift ... (Sees image of Shadow Man on the wall) ...Data collected. Shadow Man. Shadow Core Robot. Wily Bot. ... (sits down to think)
yamato-man ... Anata ga motteinai watashitachi no kage no koa o kōgeki shinakereba, anata ga shitte iru. (...You don't have to be attacking our shadow cores, you know.)
bass_swift (Raises hand and clutches it into a fist, standing up) I understand that now. (Yes, he can normally understand Yamato Man. He's called Ninja Man, so I thought I could add the ability to understand Japanese. Sure, ninjas might not be from Japan, but I don't really care.)
yamato-man Anata wa raitobotto to bottokosakku-jō no kadai to sa retemashita. Ima, karera wa shien o hitsuyō to shi, anata ga sō suru koto o kyohi. (You were made to be a challenge on the Light Bots and Cossack Bots. Now they need assistance and you refuse to do so.)
bass_swift ...Yes, I did... until now! NINJA FORM! CUTTER!

bass_cutter yamato-man

bass_cutter Let's do this. (Teleports out)

Meanwwhile, at the Legion of Doom secret base of the killers...

mega-man_shadow ...I have a bad feeling... ! I gotta get to Sargent Man! And fast! (teleports)
bass_cutter (Teleports in) I want to say sorry about earlier and... they are... gone... Ninja Sense! (Senses BtMan heading for Top Man's stage, also detecting TOPHOUND) Uh oh. Those guys are gonna destroy him! I gotta get there and help, fast! But how to help... Hm... Sargent Man... (teleports out)

BtMan heads into the TOPHOUND attack
(I hope Spinstrike doesn't mind if I use the music and this final line)
top-man_alt Very well, Crystal Man. You may proceed.
mega-man_shadow Not so fast! (Teleports in) I WON'T allow this! (A mysterious teleporting-looking thing cutter-colored drops down and leaves, taking Sargent Man. Nobody notices) You stay away from them and stay away from Sargent Man!


bass_cutter proto-man_missile

bass_cutter WOW, he was damaged. Must be the work of the killers. Alright... lets see... (muted dialouge, fading to black)

Back at the area...
mega-man_shadow (Was knocked back, landing on the ground) Ugh... I... will not... (collapses)
^ Top
Jazz Plus
Jazz Plus
6,281,525 BP
4 TP | 126 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 8:39pm Edited on 2014/09/08 at 3:34pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 8:39pm Edited 2014/09/08 at 3:34pm
BtMan, Roll, and Top Man is surrounded by TOPHOUND Members...

mega-man_shadow Sargent Man... I failed...

Suddenly, this was heard in the background...
*Boss Battle Music Times ONE MILLION!!!*


top-man roll mega-man_shadow dive-torpedo air-man dive-torpedo disco dive-torpedo wood-man dive-torpedo top-man_alt dive-torpedo crystal-man dive-torpedo needle-man

mega-man_shadow Who... (Everyone looks at the distance)

bass_cutter proto-man_missile

roll Sargent Man? But how?
bass_cutter May I explain? I repaired him at Shadow Man's stage, resembling that Shadow Man inspired me to no longer hunt Shadow Cores.
mega-man_shadow Sounds good to hear! Welcome to the good si-
bass_cutter OK, let me stop you right there. I said I was done hunting down Shadow Cores. I am STILL a Wily Bot. And when this is all over... When we cross paths again... I will personally rip. you. to. bits.
mega-man_shadow ...Well... at least it's good to know we have back-up...
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4930 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 9:36pm Edited on 2014/09/01 at 10:16pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 9:36pm Edited 2014/09/01 at 10:16pm
shadow-man You are Retro Pikachu? A HWN? HA! Then fight back! Unless you want us all to disable you right here, right now. You are outnumbered, Retro Pikachu! We are taking you back to your containment unit until we stop your little "destroy all non-HWN bots" mission... or whatever mission you are on now...
bright-man The plan's been compromised. We are comming to you. And we repaired Star Man, Magnet Man, and the Mag Fly.
shadow-man ...You ran out of luck, Retro Pikachu. Reinforcements are on the way. So even if you even the odds, we will still outnumber you. And to ensure that... RIBBITRONS! TO ME!

shadow-man ribbitron ribbitron-2 ribbitron-3 proto-man_electric

I finally did it... Finally placed the alternate mechas... mega-man_shadow It took a few tries...
Now what I need to do is to figure out separations... (Notices separation) Nevermind...

Separations are done with [tab], if that's what you mean.-MBM
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 9:46pm Edited on 2014/09/01 at 10:32pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 9:46pm Edited 2014/09/01 at 10:32pm
enkerWith that little distraction, it seems we've lost Proto Man. Looks like we're going to have to start searching again.....
After hours of searching, it seems they've found their target....

enkerIt seems we finally finish this today, Proto Man! (Please click Proto Man for music)
proto-manYep, seems so. I'm Proto Man, after all.
gemini-man_altSo, is this one yours?
enkerSure, I'd like to test this little power boost. Let's start it off. HIYAAA!


enkerIs this....It? Mega Man put up more of a fight, and he was HEAVILY damaged....
proto-manOuchie! I don't get paid enough for this!
proto-manMommie! It hurts!
enkerThis can't be right....

proto-manPlease stop it! I'll tell you anything!

enkerLet's see who you really are....
dark-man-1Sorry! Proto Man paid me 10z to distract you, but I was desperate! Please spare me!
enkerI will, but you owe a debt to me now! Master, I summon you to power up this robot and turn him!
gemini-manenkerrobot      field-support-2dark-man-1field-support-2

dark-man-1I recognize Enker as my order-giver! I will follow his orders, unless it conflicts with the Master's will, Sir!
enkerGood. Scout ahead and report back to us when you find Proto Man! You can either fight him alone or contact us first, as long as we get him!
dark-man-1Yes, sir!
gemini-manenker                  dark-man-1
^ Top
14,718,847 BP
31 TP | 768 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 11:29pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 12:06am
Posted 2014/09/01 at 11:29pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 12:06am
I understand that some of the characters here are reserved, but if I didn't use them (which are in the same place as Retro Pikachu), then I wouldn't be able to use my own character, so I have an excuse to break the rules.

star-manmagnet-manmag-flybright-manshadow-manribbitronribbitron-2ribbitron-3  proto-man_electric

proto-man_electric Did you seriously think that you could win just because you have outnumbered me? RETRO LASER!

thunder-beamstar-manmagnet-manmag-flybright-manshadow-manribbitronribbitron-2ribbitron-3thunder-beam  proto-man_electric

proto-man_electric Hmph! Weaklings! I guess the master could use them in some way though... Activating program "Summon Master!"
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4930 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 7:03am Edited on 2014/09/02 at 3:51pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 7:03am Edited 2014/09/02 at 3:51pm
I don't mind if you use Shadow Man or Bright Man for that. Really.

shadow-man I still have more assistance...
A Pierrobot teleports in.
shadow-man Hey! Aren't you Metal Man's mecha?
I just want to appologize for attacking. I'm just busy at the moment, so I, ...Uh... borrowed one of Metal Man's mechas.
shadow-man ...Ninja Man? Yamato Man must've found a way to make him a good guy.
I just messaged Yamato Man to go help because I'm busy with something else. He'll be here shortly. *Message ends*
pierrobot (Teleports to Metal Man's stage)
yamato-man Watashi wa tasukeru tame ni koko ni iru! (I'm here to help!)
Gyro Man and Spark Man joins in, along with Plug Man, Blizzard Man, Bubble Man, Toad Man, Knight Man, Charge Man, Wind Man, and Flame Man. Star Man, Bright Man, and Magnet Man gets up, but the mechas are disabled.
shadow-man bright-man magnet-man yamato-man gyro-man star-man spark-man plug-man blizzard-man bubble-man toad-man knight-man charge-man wind-man flame-man Show no Mercy! (Jihi o shimesanai! for Yamato Man)

shadow-man I got a plan. (Whispers plan)
shadow-man bright-man magnet-man yamato-man gyro-man star-man spark-man plug-man blizzard-man bubble-man toad-man knight-man charge-man wind-man flame-man Blade blast! (Burēdo burasuto! for Yamato Man)

bright-man magnet-man yamato-man gyro-man star-man spark-man plug-man blizzard-man bubble-man toad-man knight-man charge-man wind-man flame-man shadow-man wily-buster shadow-blade wily-buster proto-man_electric
^ Top
14,718,847 BP
31 TP | 768 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 6:52pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 7:32pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 6:52pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 7:32pm
bright-manmagnet-manyamato-mangyro-manstar-manspark-manplug-manblizzard-manbubble-mantoad-manknight-mancharge-manwind-manflame-manshadow-man  proto-man_electric

proto-man_electric Uh... I have to say... You're good... But...

shadow-manbright-manmagnet-manyamato-mangyro-manstar-manspark-manplug-manblizzard-manbubble-mantoad-manknight-mancharge-manwind-manflame-man ???... !!!
*flash of light MMBN6 style*



shadow-man Dark Energy? But Dr. Wily said he had no more!

^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4930 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 6:53pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 7:35pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 6:53pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 7:35pm
1. All of those guys are in different places, thank you.
2. Shrek Man? Seriously?
3. It's Nature, not grass. It's copy, not... whatever... it's shadow, not dark. It's cutter, not whatever you think it is. Look at all types in the cusomization.

For more information, go here
Suddenly, E-tanks fell from Yamato Man
proto-man-copy What!?
An E-tank revives Yamato Man, and he uses the others to revive the rest of the defeated robot masters facing Retro Pikachu
gyro-man How did you get E-tanks!? You know what, no matter. You got lucky, Retro Pikachu. But we will return for a rematch! (They all teleport out)

Back at Wily Castle...
gyro-man We need more help.
spark-man I have an idea! How about we save the hardest for last! I mean, we have bigger problems, right?
bright-man He's right, Gyro Man. We need assistance, but we also have bigger problems. May I remind you that there is this so-called MASTER going around with a big ARMY and have eyes on Proto Man!?
gyro-man ...Split up, everyone! Bright Man, do you know where Dust Man is?
bright-man I detect him at Shadow Man's stage. (Apparently)
gyro-man Ok. You and Plug Man go check out the scenery. Meanwhile, Shadow Man, you go find Skull Man while the rest of us find Proto Man and, if lucky enough, the Mega Man Killers. After the defeat of the master, we will gather everyone else and meet at point Retro Pikachu. Move out. (Everyone teleports to the explained location)
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