Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

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Even as Mega Man and his mechanical compatriots struggle to escape the Prototype and defeat the mysterious Slur, life goes on. Between battles, the Robot Masters and Mistresses can always find an unused field lying about to shoot the breeze and have a few E-Tanks.

Necessary Requirement
>You must have read this entire story to post, or at least the saga. This is for the best storytelling and no plotholes.
>Please don't god-mod your characters! Make it sensible! The only cases of extreme power we've seen so far has been shown by Enker and similar characters, but even then I try to fit their power with, for example, the Stardroids from Gigamix. Quite powerful robots, but they're not gods in any sense.
>Try to make a sensible story-line! This is important because if your story-telling skills aren't so good, you drag the whole thing down, and as creator, I reserve the right to change or modify your post if it doesn't mean standards.

Disclaimer: Slight language is used here. If you do not tolerate even the slightest signs of language, this thread is not for you.

Try to use your align-rights and align-lefts, it makes the dialogue seem more in-game.

Rules about Language!
-Your F-Bombs, A-words, your B-insults, Racial insults and anything sexual is NOT allowed here.
-Dam%, Hel%, and those minor curses are allowed, but put a disclaimer at the top of your comment.
-Try not to put anything about religion in this. Some users could be offended, so replace your "Oh My ___" with "Oh My Tesla/Wily/Light/Edison". You get what I mean.(Plus, having something like that would take the reader out of the experience.
-If you do happen to curse badly or break any of these rules, I will personally edit your comment to make it safer and give you a warning that you can't say that. This is a family-friendly website, let's try to keep it that way.

Hello, fellow Role-Players, I have a thread for our little group! As you can read on a little unrelated thread, we've been following the adventures of our heroes against the perilous bomb group, who don't realize Bombs are NOT toys! How will this story conclude? And what further adventures do you have for our heroes? I don't know, it's up to you! The Community stars in our Role-Playing Thread! Have fun and pretend you're fighting as your childhood hero or your own hero! Or maybe the villain?

dr-wilyI get the main role because I'm the best! Bow to Lord Wily!

flash-manI know you're my creator and all, but your bark doesn't exactly match your bite....

Adventure Log
After each "saga", I will write a little summary of the adventures had! I will only write it down when the Community decides a certain story is done.

How to Bomb the First Adventure: The Bomb party is going downtown, but one problem! The explosive-cores have no idea how dangerous their weapons are, so it's up to the First line as well as two other new heroes to save Mega City! However, twists are around the corner....

Reseved List
These are characters that can only be used by the user mentioned next to them. You cannot use them, unless otherwise said. You can make a request for characters though.

Top Man, Liquid Spinstrike, Air Man, Wood Man, Crystal Man, Disco, Needle Man~Spinstrike
Skull Man, Dust Man, Drill Man and Alt, Ballade, Ring Man~TheDoc
Bt Man, Sergeant Man, Ninja Man-Bt Man

Important rules about reserving!

You can reserve 5 single characters at a time.
Reserving Mechas are fine, because having more than one really doesn't do anything either way.
When you reserve a character, it is allowed for other players to PM you for if they could "borrow" that character. It is your decision to allow it or not.
Characters like Mega Man, Proto Man(especially), Bass, and the Doctors cannot be reserved. Villains cannot be reserved either
Try not to overdo it with the fan-characters, it sorta limits the story and the ones we have now are fine. And definitely no Mary Sues!(IE A perfect fan-character.)
Please be a good writer!
Don't just reserve characters because you like them! If you're reserving them, it should be for a story-reason, not because you wanted a certain character!

Notes: No posting until the RP is finished!

Ban List
Mega Man(For Now)
Alt characters(For Now){Liquid Top Man/Spinstrike, TailsMK4 and Drill Man are excused.}
Bass(For Now)
God-mod Characters(They're generally dis-interesting. Characters with flaws are much better, anyway)

Banned Events
You cannot reveal who the Master is.
You cannot end a season by yourself.[Side-note, get those stories finished people!]
Please, please do not add random events into the story. This is not a general RP thread, this has a story. Please do that on your own RP threads, this is not the only RP thread. Please read up on the story, or at least saga.
Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!)
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm
Viewed 10689 Times
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2014 at 8:42pm Edited on 2015/02/03 at 8:52pm
Posted 2014/10/14 at 8:42pm Edited 2015/02/03 at 8:52pm

spring-headIncredible! Lord Punk's speed is simply amazing! How am I supposed to catch up with THAT?!
proto-manIt's a wonder I've kept you alive this long, with that voice of yours. In fact, you're a Mecha. How can you even program like a normal robot?
spring-headYou've been out of the loop, Proto Man! Didn't you know that science is advancing, and now even Mechas could handle advanced programming?!
proto-manThe times are changing, huh....It's been so long, since my day of birth....
spring-headBack in the days of the dinosaurs, eh?
proto-manThat's enough out of you, spring head.
spring-headActually, that was my father's name. Please call me-

*Proto Man fires a single shot out of his buster, sending the Spring Head flying.*

spring-headHOW RUDE! I demand you to pick me up, and carry me like the lowlife you are!!

*The mountain crumbles, and an avalanche forms!
proto-manRun, run, run, RUN!

*The avalanche covers everything, but Proto Man manages to put up a Proto Shield at the last second, and ends up heading to the surface of the snow and rides along it*
proto-manT-this wave! I'm not sure if I'm going to make this!

*Proto Man flies through the air, and lands on a high-up platform, not visible before.*

Some new music for mystical pleasure....

proto-manWhat is this place? It seems....Ancient....

*Proto Man notices a mural on the wall....*
proto-manThis mural...If I'm not wrong, those were the ancient people.

proto-man There they are, worshipping celestial beings...But!
*Proto Man notices a being in the mural, standing on top of a pyramid....*
proto-manWhat is that? A god of some sort? Wait, on the side....Duo! It seems he's saving the people....From rule? But, there's two Duos....Could that be the evil one who brought the Evil Energy here.....

*Proto Man suddenly realizes....

proto-manWait, two?! The evil Duo.....He used to work with Duo...And the Master can take over hearts.....And that being standing on the pyramid....It makes sense...All of it.
proto-manThe Duo that was evil...He wasn't acting of his own accord, was he? He was infected by that Master....And they managed to defeat the Master, and took the energy source it wanted....But the other Duo was convinced to bring it back...Because he must have had a shred of evil within him...

*Proto Man rubs the wall, and when he touches the Master's figure on the mural.....A flash comes and a click is heard!

proto-manThat flash! Where is it coming from? Wait, over there! Wait, is it?...Yes! It's the starforce!star
proto-manA Explode star, eh? *Proto Man puts in the star*
proto-man_explodeStrange...I saw how Mega Man and Bass were struggling with this,....but this star almost FEELS....Right....It must be something with my core...Or I could be inching closer to death....
proto-man_explodeNothing of the future! What matters now is the present....And last time I checked, I have a spiked ball to take care of....But there's two units next to him...It'd be better if I waited and see if they could handle him without me....I'm still not too sure WHO I can trust...

^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2014 at 9:41pm
Posted 2014/10/14 at 9:41pm
mega-man_shadow You think we should help Skull Man and Drill Man?
proto-man_missile They managed to beat him before, so we won't need to worry.
mega-man_shadow Man, I wish there could be something we can do to help... everyone's scattered around everywhere and are in no danger. Enker is off doing who-knows-what, TOPHOUND is fighting Top Man, Roll, and some of the HWN Hunters, Punk is fighting Drill Man and Skull Man, ...There seems to be no major threat.
proto-man_missile I don't know, Bt Man... Someone could become under the unknown Master's control at this moment...

Meanwhile, in Wily's Lab and somewhere near Punk, Skull Man, and Drill Man...
heat-man shadow-man (Shadow Man stops walking and Heat Man is in a tube. Suddenly, Heat Man's eyes open, and then both of the robots' eyes glow red)
Yep. They became under control of that Master. I guess the Master finally gave Heat Man a chance... and assigned him to team up with Shadow Man!

Where will they strike? What are the plans? Who will stop them? We will find out soon enough.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on October 17th, 2014 at 5:04pm Edited on 2014/10/17 at 5:18pm
Posted 2014/10/17 at 5:04pm Edited 2014/10/17 at 5:18pm
Hello there, everyone! Prepare for the very first!(and possibly last) graphic collection! The entire story from season 1, with extra details! Now selling for 10.99....Free....

*The annual robot quiz comes up....The topic is who is the best from the original Mega Man? As all of them argue, one robot believes he's certain to win....
bomb-manOh, this quiz is so exciting! Of course, I'm going to win the "Best original Robot Master"!

5 minutes later......time-manwell, who cares? time doesn't go the way you want it to... y'know?

bomb-manNot one vote....Man...There's only one way to drown my sorrows....

mega-man_shadowOh, don't tell me. You're about to go explode crazy, are you Bomb Man and Napalm Man?

By the way, those are classic looking bombs... it would be a shame if somebody... cut off their strings. (Shadow Man appears

shadow-manBoo! Did I scare anyone? No? Well, I guess I'll just stick to cutting those strings.....
*Multiple bombs are thrown at Shadow Man, disabling him, but Btman manages to grab his data before he was defeated.

mega-man_cutter I AIN'T SCARED OF YOU TWO! mega-man_shadow
mega-man_shadow Sadly, we need to find a way to defuse Napalm Man's bombs. Maybe the Magnet Missle can short circuit them.
bomb-man You can's stop us! BOMBS!!!
ballade Hey, Explode-types! Bomb party!
mega-man_shadow Oh, boy.

mega-man_explodeSo....Any room for Robots who can use Bombs? Eh?
Dude, Pure Explode-Cores only....bomb-man
top-manLike me, right guys?!
*Remember when Top Man was Explode Core?

top-man c'mon!
All Explode Types: NO!

crash-man Wait, where was I during all this? Why wasn't I invited to the Bombs party?crash-man

*Top Man is Crash Man in disguise. This was supposed to be a joke due to them looking kinda similar, but this idea was used.
crash-man Hello Guys, see you're having a party here, can I come in?
Uhh... sure, what's your name? bomb-man napalm-man ballade
crash-man I'm To- I mean Crash Man
killer-bullet And it's-a me! The Killer Bullet!
Oh, come on, I know it's you, Top Man napalm-man
Huh? What's Mega and Top doing here? proto-man_explode
killer-bullet OH, COME ON, YOU INVITED PROT- I mean, who is this Mega and Top you talk about?
We all know it's you two, right guys? proto-man_explode
Yeah bomb-man napalm-man ballade
crash-man LIES!
fire-chaser mega-man fire-chaser top-man fire-chaser proto-man_flame
mega-man DANG IT!
top-man And we were so close...
BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME! bomb-man napalm-man ballade proto-man_explode

drill-man Why wasn't I invited? I can detonate my drills naturally!
*Drill Man walks away....

^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on October 17th, 2014 at 5:18pm Edited on 2014/10/17 at 5:37pm
Posted 2014/10/17 at 5:18pm Edited 2014/10/17 at 5:37pm
proto-man_explodeHaha, we finally got rid of that pesky Mega Man! Now we'll destroy him together!....I mean, I'm Proto Man.

That sounds like something Bass would say......bomb-mannapalm-man

bassFine, I'm not Proto Man! But hey, don't you want revenge on Mega Man for Bustering you all up? I like to blow things up too.....


bassFine, kick me out of this stupid club! I don't need it to destroy Mega Man!

Five Hours later, outside the Bomb Base.

bassI'm so lonely. Wait a second!...........

mega-man top-man bass

An hour later
bass_copyHello gents, I'm Ba-Er Forte! I like to blow things up!

mega-man_shadow *Comes in with all the original robot masters, along with Time Man and Oil Man and except for Bomb Man* Game over, explode-types! Quickly, everyone
disarm the bombs!

cut-man mega-man_shadow ice-man fire-man mega-man top-man oil-man elec-man time-man guts-man


*All the robot masters, including Mega Man and Top Man, wakes up*
cut-man ...Huh? Where are we?
mega-man_shadow We're outside the Bomb Party's location. We were disabled... Who fixed us up?
???: A good soldier not only stays cool in battle, but also is ready for anything.
mega-man_shadow ...Sargent Man!?
proto-man_missile Now let's deactivate some explosives

crash-man BOMBS!!!
mega-man_shadow We're trapped!
proto-man_missile We need to use Magnet Missile to deactivate those explosives!
ballade You have to get through me first!
oil-man That can be arranged.
oil-manHere, I'll hold off Ballade!
mega-manGet out safely, Ok? Don't overexert yourself!
After going up a room, troubles are found

guts-man danger-bomb napalm-man

guts-man I've been hit! Continue without me!

bass_cutterThis is perfect! Say goodbye, Blue Bomber!

napalm-manBass?! I won't let you destroy these guys!
*Fires another, huger, Danger Bomb at Bass, and Mega Man fires a fully-charged Buster shot, sending Bass who knows where....

napalm-manSorry bout that...*Gives Guts an E-tank* We'll finish this on the last floor....
*Teleports away


bomb-man napalm-man crash-man ballade

cut-man mega-man_shadow ice-man fire-man cut-man mega-man top-man oil-man elec-man time-man guts-man proto-man_missile

bomb-man We just wanted to party...
proto-man_missile Laying enough bombs on the ground to destroy the entire city is NO way to party.
top-man And hey! Who said I didn't like parties?
mega-man_shadow ...I have an idea that solves ALL problems...

bomb-man proto-man_missile (Bomb Man throws his bombs in the air, with Sargent Man's Dive Missiles locking on to them and launching,
exploding the bombs in the air like fireworks. Music plays in the background and all the other robot masters are having a good time.)

mega-man This was a great idea! Everyone is having a pretty good time!
mega-man_shadow What did I tell you? It was a pretty good idea.

Later....[In next post]

^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on October 17th, 2014 at 5:24pm Edited on 2014/10/17 at 5:37pm
Posted 2014/10/17 at 5:24pm Edited 2014/10/17 at 5:37pm
I honestly have no idea what happened just now.

Sorry Doc! That was the entire season 1, in a collection. Since that stuff was on another thread at the time and since it is season 1, I needed to put it on here. It is a bit messy, but I really didn't have many characters to work with....Anyway, might as well finish it with a never before seen sneak preview.....-MBM

*With all the robots celebrating....One robot isn't enjoying himself all too much....And is speaking with someone on his mobile communicator...

balladeOne simple little mission....And I screwed up...
enkerNo matter...It wasn't Proto Man...And you didn't have any starforce with you...Our next plan however.....

This dialogue was the start of season 2....
[The one we're on...]
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on October 19th, 2014 at 9:24pm Edited on 2014/11/05 at 5:42pm
Posted 2014/10/19 at 9:24pm Edited 2014/11/05 at 5:42pm
Dun dun dun!!!
The location of Metal Man and Heat Man's attack is... not discovered yet. Lol, idk where it should even be, but... Well, let's cut to the chase and watch the roleplay!
shadow-man (Teleports into a mysterious area. Heat Man comes in after his does.)
heat-man The Master said to work with you.
shadow-man The same to me as well. He also warned me that he may have bumped up your confidence a little too much, and to ensure that doesn't end up with us being scrapped. Now, here's the Master's plans...
Shadow Man whispers to Heat Man the attack plans and where to attack... and who to attack.
Edit on October 19th, 2014 at 4:12

Well, I figured out what Shadow Man and Heat Man are gonna do, but while they head out, let's see exactly what Ninja Man and Wily is up to...
bass_swift By the way, any case you can rebuild Retro Pikachu?
dr-wily Actually, he may not have noticed, but when Bt Man randomly destroyed my robot and some of the lab- which, by the way, took a while to repair- I was unable to find Retro Pikachu's data... or yours. And I didn't make the back-up data, either...
bass_swift You know what, that's alright. He would be a help in this so we can get back to doing evil things faster, but we still have many other robot masters. Maybe the others would even finish building before-
Suddenly, there was an explosion and sirens. And then...
Shadow Blade!
Atomic Fire!
bass_swift ...Was that-

atomic-fire shadow-blade bass_swift dr-wily

dr-wily Wh-what is going on here!?
Allow me to explain...

shadow-man heat-man bass_swift dr-wily

dr-wily Shadow Man and Heat Man! Of ALL the robots who dared to betray me-
shadow-man This is the most biggest way of betrayal? Enker actually had the biggest betrayal on you. Be lucky it isn't Bass who betrayed you to follow commands of the Master.
bass_swift Ugh... Who... who IS your master?
Shadow Man and Heat Man looks at each other, than back at Ninja Man. Then they laugh. They soon stopped.
shadow-man ...Oh. He's serious.
heat-man Look, you fool.
bass_swift (Thinking to himself...?) ...Fool? Since when am I a fool... and since when did Heat Man got the courage to say something like that?
heat-man The only person you can get that information from is the Master himself, because nobody is that knowledgeable-
shadow-man Or foolish-
heat-man To be able to say so. Not even Enker would do such a thing. So your wasting your breath.
shadow-man Now, enough of this. Let's knock him out and continue on with the plan. (Knocks Ninja Man out with a chop and the two robots kidnap Wily)
dr-wily I can't believe you would do such a thing like this!
shadow-man Grr... I'd get him quiet, but something is stopping me from knocking this fool out.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 3rd, 2014 at 9:23pm Edited on 2014/11/05 at 7:28pm
Posted 2014/11/03 at 9:23pm Edited 2014/11/05 at 7:28pm

shadow-man heat-man        dr-wily

dr-wilySo, what exactly do you plan to do with me anyway? After all, you two simpletons couldn't even stop Mega Man, let alone-
shadow-manWily, you're lucky I still have some sort of respect for you. If not, you'd be laying in a ditch somewhere.
heat-manShadow Man! Shut up with all that racket and continue the mission!
shadow-manDon't forget, you overgrown lighter, it is I that commands you! After all, I'm the only one with previous ties to our savior.
dr-wilyWhy you, how could you two do this?! Heat Man, you can't really go through with this! You were one of my firsts! I promise you, my other robots will take care of you!
shadow-manFirst off, we're LEAGUES above those DOS-using slow-pokes! Second, they're ALL busy with that Top-Clone!
dr-wilyHoho...Not all of them...
shadow-manEven then, only Bass could provide a chance!
*Beep! Beep!*
dr-wilyGreat! A response....WAHAHAAHHAHAHA!
heat-manGreat ghosts of Ford, you sent out a distress signal?! Shadow Man, be prepared!
shadow-manDon't worry, my kunai can keep any fools away. It's right he-IT'S NOT THERE?! It was there a minute ago! No robot could possibly sneak past me!
dr-wilyHoho..That's where you're wrong. I had a trump card with me all this time!
heat-manCome out with your hands out! Don't try anything, cause we can catch you if you move an INCH.
robotCatch me? Maybe in your dreams!
shadow-manNo...It can't be!
robotI tried to come as fast as I could, doc...I hope I wasn't late!
shadow-manMy old rival....Quick Man.

shadow-man heat-man quick-man dr-wily

quick-manYou recognize me, old buddy! Don't worry, my chest healed....AFTER you decided to throw your little fun Shadow Blade at me.
shadow-manMaybe I should've kept it there, since you were too stuck to Wily's orders and not Ra Moon!
quick-manPlease, that thing was ancient! You of all people should how to move forward. Or at least sneak your way there. Savoir faire, my friend.
shadow-manHmm....I'll stick with staying in the shadows....Maybe you lost to Mega Man because you decided to light everything up with all those lasers?
quick-manI only lost because Mega Man just had to take Flash's weapon before he fought me!
shadow-manRight now, I don't have Flash's weapon....So when you lose to me, you'll have no excuses for why you lost.
quick-manCome at me, you overgrown pretender in pajamas!
shadow-manDitto, you ungraceful ronin!
dr-wilyI think I'm going to run away now....

quick-man shadow-man heat-man

quick-manThat does it for both of those slow-pokes!
shadow-manAh ah, you cannot "catch" a Shadow.
quick-manshadow-manshadow-man heat-man

quick-manThat duplicate trick, eh? Even I didn't see that one.
shadow-manWith my increased understanding and power, also comes with new AND improved tricks!
quick-manNone of those things mean anything if you can't touch me!
shadow-manPut the boomerang where your mouth is and show me claims to those bluffs! Fight me, you out-dated calculator!
quick-manHeh, I guess some ninjas just can't handle the truth....Nor the speed! Let's go, you traitorous UFO Ninja...Thing!


Part 1/?
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on November 3rd, 2014 at 10:17pm
Posted 2014/11/03 at 10:17pm
bass_swift Ugh... that was harsh... good thing I had that E-tank. I had enough of this. I am done with my break... And I am done with this Master foolishness. I will find him... and ensure that not even his core and data can be found! But first, and I hate this... I need some assistance.
Later, at Rainy Sewers...
mega-man_shadow Ok, I understand you want him defeated-
bass_swift Correction: I want him DESTROYED. For what he did to my fellow Wily Bots... Especially Retro Pikachu.
mega-man_shadow ...But I don't even know where to begin.
bass_swift If we are lucky enough... Maybe we can have a plan.
proto-man_missile I already have one. We just need a few others. Alright, here's the plan...
Sargent Man discusses the plan with Bt Man and Ninja Man. What is this plan? And how will it go? Will the Master finally be beaten? That... is all up to you.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 4th, 2014 at 7:26pm Edited on 2014/11/04 at 10:05pm
Posted 2014/11/04 at 7:26pm Edited 2014/11/04 at 10:05pm
Music, again.


quick-manI knew you'd be slow, but this is just simply too slow for my tastes!
shadow-manAnd I knew you'd be weak, but this is too weak for my tastes!
quick-manYou're really starting to get on my nerves!
shadow-manStop with the taunts and give up!


shadow-manCharging at me with the same moves? Pathetic!
*Shadow Man brings out his Shadow Blade.....When!


shadow-manHe...He disappeared! He's not a skilled ninja, he can't disappear from thin air like that!
quick-manNot disappeared, you numb-skull!
quick-manI'm just moving so fast....To the point your electronic brain can't even catch up!


quick-manNot too shabby, if I say so myself! Nice little after-image technique I got, eh?
shadow-manNice, nice! You've actually managed to surprise me! Show me some more!
quick-manIf you say so! I'll knock the blade off your cocky face!


quick-manWhich after-image is the real thing?!
shadow-manHmph! I'll have to hit ONE of you eventually! Duplicate!


shadow-manFound you! As for my next trick!
*Shadow Man completely transform the stage to Septic System!
shadow-manI'm twice as strong now, which means twice the tricks!

quick-manCome on Shadow Man! Easy-peasy! Show me your REAL moves! None of this stage changing crap!
*Quick Man quickly dispatches the mechas and out comes a Shadow Man version of Skull Man's Skull Snare, Shadow Snare! Unlike Skull Snare, which traps opponents, this one can also suck the energy out of them!


shadow-manAnd the victory.....Goes to Shadow Man. Now, as for you, destiny has not been so kind.
quick-man damn you! How could you betray Wily and your brothers like this?! Don't you have any sense?!
shadow-manThat's all in the past. Trust me, I've been given a new sense to see the world in a...Different way. Of course, I've always seen it that way, "brother."
quick-manWait....That last part....You've never been on our side on the first place! I thought you were one of us, you wanted to change that alien origin of yours! Shadow Man, please listen!
shadow-manYour pleas....Fall on deaf ears.

What does this mean? Find out on the next part of this climatic battle!

Part 2/?

^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 5th, 2014 at 7:35pm Edited on 2014/11/06 at 4:52pm
Posted 2014/11/05 at 7:35pm Edited 2014/11/06 at 4:52pm
Some musics

quick-manHeh...To think I ever stood a chance against you...
shadow-manYes, that was rather foolhardy, wasn't it? Thankfully for you, you won't live long enough to regret it.
quick-manSo, before I die....Were you ALWAYS planning this?
shadow-manAlright....Denying a last wish like that would simply be too cruel for my tastes.
shadow-manIt all started hundred of years ago...I, Shadow Man, was the leader of a unit known as the Kuiper Droids.
shadow-manWe faithfully served the Stardroids. Our latest mission was to escort a doomsday weapon, known as Ra Moon, to Earth. Earth was known throughout the galaxy as the blue pearl, and any galactic empire wanted to control it. The only to take action was-
quick-manThe Stardroids, eh? No wonder we're always under attack by aliens....
shadow-manRight, right. However, our unit was attacked by the Star Marshals, notably being lead by Duo. He attacked our group with that Evil Energy robot and three other similar robots, and took out everyone EXCEPT me and the Stardroids.
shadow-manDuo continued to wage war with the Stardroids while Ra Moon and I escaped. While he was fighting, the EER was hot on our tails. However, something miraculous happened. He came up to me, and said the words I'll never forget...
robot"Do not be afraid, I believe in the same cause as you. Ra Moon is substantial to taking over the pearl, according to my Master. Go and make sure no harm comes to Ra Moon, I'll make up an excuse for my "superior". However, you now own me a favor."
shadow-manI landed on Earth, and served as your brother for many years. However, recently, an associate of his contacted me. It was time to return the favor, starting with kidnapping perhaps the smartest mind on our world.....Dr. Wily!
quick-manWhat a boring story! Eh, not really fit for a last one. So, I'll hold off on dying until you come up with a better one.
shadow-manWhat?! What are you speaking of?! You can't possibly imagine surviving THIS!
quick-manBy the way, afterimage.


shadow-manHe disappeared...Surely, you are a better robot than I, Quick Man....

Some music

shadow-manI have failed...I'm not fit to live...Quick Man, finish me with your blade.
quick-manHeh. I may hate you, but you're still my brother. Come back to our side Shadow Man.
shadow-manWhat?! You couldn't actually think of recruiting me back...After what I've done!
quick-manFamilies forgive each other. We are no different. Tell me, does this Master care if you live or die? Does he think of you as family?
shadow-manYou...Are you being serious?
quick-manI haven't been more serious in my life.
shadow-manTo once again...Be called "Brother"...
*Shadow Man's eyes turn into a lighter shade of red, and the mind-control is breaking...

shadow-manI promise you I'll fight with you from now on.
quick-manI'm glad to have you back on our side, now how about we find the Doc?
shadow-manI'm fine with that.
quick-manWhere could he be an-Look out!

atomic-fire          quick-manshadow-man


shadow-manQuick Man!
*Shadow Man holds him in his arms....

heat-manThat's what you get....

Part 3/4
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Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on November 5th, 2014 at 8:35pm
Posted 2014/11/05 at 8:35pm
Looks like the master's not gonna let them get away with it... But will he be distracted? Or will Sargent Man's plan fail? Once again, your call, guys. Message me a plan you come up with and I'll consider it.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 7th, 2014 at 4:16pm Edited on 2014/11/30 at 2:13pm
Posted 2014/11/07 at 4:16pm Edited 2014/11/30 at 2:13pm
Some sad music{I need to stop with the DBZ music :P

heat-manHahaha! Shadow Man, you should've known betraying the Master results in consequences! Anyway, no need to use this reanimated corpse of a body.
*The Master drops out of Heat Man's body, and stands on the battlefield, still linked to Heat.*
quick-manShadow...I'll..Be fine...I've been through worst...Member when you threw...That blade at me?
shadow-manQuick Man...I suppose you will. *Puts up a smirk, although quite fake* I'm sure...You'll be fine.
quick-manHeh...Always so hopeful....Get him for me.
*Shadow Man lays him down*

robotWhy so sad, my faithful betrayer? Didn't you want to kill him a minute ago? I guess when you've seen death as much as I have, you can't really feel anything at these sappy scenes...
robotAnyway...Come at me! Surely you feel saddened at your friend's loss!
shadow-manYou monster! I'll crush you...For Quick Man!

robotCome, come! That really can't be your best!
shadow-man(Grr...No matter what I try, it seems he can predict all my movements!)
robotI haven't had to dirty my hands in 100 years! Usually I just control someone else to do it!

robotExcuse me, but is that yours? I hope it's yours, or else you don't need it. I'll just keep it there for now.
shadow-manYou cocky...Your bark is worst than that bite of yours!(Too bad I happen to be trapped...
robotI'm disappointed in you, Shadow. When you own me a favor, you OWN me a favor. Ah, what can I expect from one of his lackeys? He always was so terrible with minions, especially those unruly Stardroids of his...
shadow-manIt'll take a miracle at this point...I'd take anything right now...
*Six people fall through the ceiling.
Ow...Just ow. Ah, look at those guys! Shadow Man and....A shadow?
you know what they say about shadows, boys? We'll just head back to Cossack's place later with Metal and Flash, take care of this place here first. You know what to do!
stone-manStone! Haha!
turbo-manstone-mansnake-manhard-mancrash-manTogether we are, SOAKSTGR! Fighting in the name of Wily and charisma!
robotThat was...Unexpected. I never liked surprises, nor jokes.
turbo-manWho ya calling a joke, bub?! Show him that team-spirit!
shadow-manWait, brothers! You have no idea who you're fighting!
Look out!
robotNow who is it?!

quick-manYou six, help Shadow Man get out! Shadow Man, take out his link, Heat Man! You're the only one who can stop him before my distraction's up!
snake-manGot it!
shadow-manShadow Blade! shadow-manheat-man
*One can see Quick Man's body is failing due to attacking the master...
robotWho do you think you are, attacking me?! Wait....My link!
quick-manShadow Man! Although the parting hurts.....Go, and protect Wily with your life!
shadow-manThat's your job! Get away and live for the future with us!
quick-manHeh....Always so hopeful...I did my part, and it's too late to turn back now....All of you, live for me!
*Both the Master's Shadow disappears, along with Quick Man.....*
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 9th, 2014 at 7:49pm Edited on 2014/11/09 at 8:23pm
Posted 2014/11/09 at 7:49pm Edited 2014/11/09 at 8:23pm
stone-manHey, Shadow?
crash-manWe've been talking for a while, and....We're going to leave you here.
shadow-manNo! Quick Man's last wish was for me to swear my life to Wily's safety!
hard-manFine by me, you don't know what dangers we can expect.
turbo-manJust don't get all sappy on me.
snake-manWeren't you crying 5 minutes ago?
turbo-manHe was the best rival I could ever have....
heat-manYaaaaaawn....Ugh, I can't remember anything...
shadow-manQuick Man sacrificed himself for my survival.
heat-manWhat?! But....He was our leader!
stone-manDon't get so worked up, you're banged up as it is. Listen, Flash and Metal are back at your place, they'll help you.
gravity-manAlright, let's head back and find Wily. He can't be TOO far...

*After 10 minutes of searching....
dr-wilyThere you bumbling idiots are! Where's Quick Man?!
shadow-manI'm afraid....We have lost him.
dr-wilyOh, that's....Unfortunate. That's to be expected however.
turbo-manAlright, let's head inside Wily Castle!
dr-wilyNo! All my Mechas are haywire in there! They're tearing everything apart! At this rate, only my secret baseme-Errr nothing will be left!

snake-manThen we're done. Blammo. No where to go.
crash-manWe could go to Light Labs!
hard-manNope, that place is done for.
turbo-manLet's go to Top Man's party pad! He throws great parties!
crash-manNo! That guy took my identity, remember?!*
*Back in the first season.
gravity-manGuys, Dr. Light isn't the only-
stone-manGravity Man, we're speaking. Hush up.
dr-wilyActually, he has a point.
shadow-manWait, what did he say, Dr?
dr-wilyAs much as he hates me, AND the feeling is mutual.....We have to head to Mikhail's.
shadow-manWhatever you wish, doctor. I will personally ensure that if he or ANY of his bots lay a hand on you, they will get to experience the darker side of the world....The shadows!
turbo-manWhat a coincidence! We were going there anyway to beat up Skull Man, that evil-doer.
snake-manLook who's speaking! We work for Dr. Wily, a renowned criminal!
turbo-manThat's different!
crash-manAre you sure he's still there?
turbo-manHave I ever been wrong?
gravity-manNo, you're ne-
stone-manPlenty. You thought we were getting a show, you were wrong about that waterfall, or "forest", we always lose battles because of your misjudgments!
turbo-manYeah, but I-.....Shut up and go.
hard-manAre we still sure he's the bad guy?
crash-manFor the last time.....THE MAN....WEARS....SKULLS!
snake-manGood enough for me.

*And so, they head off to Cossack's Citadel......Speaking of.....

dr-cossackAh, it seems my repairs are working!
cut-manThanks, Mr. Cossack! That Ring Man of yours really does hit hard!
bomb-manMeh. I've seen bigger bangs.
ice-manIt seems those robots we brought aren't here anymore....We'll head back to Light Labs then....

*They all leave...

dr-cossackI must say to you three, thank you for bringing me those supplies!
robotIt's fine, Dr. Cossack. Anything.....To out-do our competition! We'll show SOAKSTGR...
wave-manNot to mess with our missions!

^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on November 9th, 2014 at 9:53pm
Posted 2014/11/09 at 9:53pm
Meanwhile, Ninja Man, Bt Man, and Sargent Man were going over their plans...
But I don't have one, and IDK when you will get an idea, so let's skip this and (finally) head on out where the last of the HWN Hunters and TOPHOUND is at... Not to mention the others.
gyro-man What's the matter, Spinstrike? Loss of words?
bubble-man Don't get too exited, Gyro Man. If they want to fight, we'd end up getting beaten when not ready if we do.
^ Top
12,484,029 BP
3 TP | 717 PP
Posted on November 11th, 2014 at 10:18pm Edited on 2014/11/11 at 10:20pm
Posted 2014/11/11 at 10:18pm Edited 2014/11/11 at 10:20pm
ballade                bright-manplug-man                pharaoh-mandust-man

ballade I tell you, that Quint is gonna get himself killed...
pharaoh-man Good riddance. He was toxic to the group.
Ballade crosses his eyebrows.
ballade He's like a brother to me. All the Killers are. I don't expect you to understand-
Ballade winces and grabs his chest.
ballade That fight took more out of me than I thought...I think we could use some repairs.
pharaoh-man Not a bad idea.
Pharaoh Man starts typing into his buster.
pharaoh-man .......Only robots in Dr. Cossack's lab are some Light bots, so how about there?
ballade What do you think they'll think when he sees me? After charging that Ballade cracker when fighting Quint, I'm afraid my core might be unstable, and I want to avoid any misunderstandings.
plug-man ..........Looks like Light Labs is also full...
ballade .........Wily's lab is-wait.....what the heck? There's a bunch of mechas fighting each other and making a mess of everything! We gotta stop them!
Pharaoh Man knit his eyebrows.
pharaoh-man You want to avoid misunderstandings, but utter chaos is just fine? Plus, what if there are other robots? I doubt they'll give us a warm welcome.
ballade Whether you like it or not, Wily is my master, and it's my duty to protect his lab. You don't have to come with me, but I HAVE to do this!
Pharaoh Man thinks for a moment.
pharaoh-man I can't let you do that alone, not after you saved us. That may not have been your intention, but I trust you more than the other Killers.
Pharaoh Man looked around.
pharaoh-man Anyone else?
Dust Man vomited a cube of rocks and bones out, but other than that, no one said anything.
Pharaoh Man frowned at the newcomers, but Bright Man shook his head.
bright-man I'm sorry, Pharaoh, but I have no reason to trust him, not even if you do. Plug? What about you?
Plug Man remained silent and looked at Dust Man.
plug-man What does Dust Man say?
Pharaoh Man gave him an "Are you serious?" face, but turned to Dust Man and tapped him on the shoulders. Dust Man turned around with that same happy-go-lucky look in his eyes.
dust-man Hi, Pharaoh Man! Want some rocks? I just swallowed them, so I could probably spit them back up-
pharaoh-man Um, no thanks, Dust Man. Listen, Ballade and I want to head to Wily's lab for repairs, which is something you could probably use, too. Will you come with us?
Dust Man looked like he was about to respond, but then he stopped. His expression slowly turned thoughtful with his eyes staring at the floor. Then he looked up and shook his head.
dust-man Nope! Thanks for offering, though!
Pharaoh Man raised his eyebrows.
pharaoh-man R...really? Why not?
dust-man I think Bright Man is right. As trustworthy as he may seem, you never know when your closest ally might be hiding something deep underneath. Besides, me and Bright Man go way ba-
pharaoh-man Yes, we know. *sigh* What will you do then?
dust-man Eat! Rocks and bones as far as the eye can see!
Pharaoh Man face is filled with uncertainty about leaving Dust Man here. Bright Man walks over and awkwardly puts his hand on Pharaoh Man's shoulder.
bright-man He's got Plug Man and me. Don't worry.
pharaoh-man Um....thanks.....C...could you...?
bright-man Oh! Right.
Bright Man quickly removes his hand and steps back.
ballade Now that everything's settled-
Ballade gives Bright and Pharaoh a strange look.
ballade more or less....Shall we, Pharaoh Man?
Pharaoh Man glances back at Dust Man, stuffing his face with debris. After a moment, Pharaoh turns to Ballade and nods.
pharaoh-man Let's go.
Ballade imputs the location and the two of them teleport out.
gemini-laser            gemini-laser
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on November 12th, 2014 at 7:00am
Posted 2014/11/12 at 7:00am
Back with the other HWN Hunters and TOPHOUND... Again...
wind-man I'm bored.
gyro-man Quiet, you! We need to be ready to fight when they do!
wind-man They look like they don't want to fight anymore, so I think we're done.
gyro-man Look, Wind Man. What do you want to do, teleport to the Master's location, try to go ahead and destroy him, and leave!? That's just a foolish thing to do!
mega-man_shadow So, you said you have a plan since one of the other ones didn't work. What exactly IS that plan?
bass_swift We wing it.
mega-man_shadow (Stops) Woah, woah, woah! We're gonna WING IT!? THAT'S your brilliant idea!?
bass_swift So I suppose YOU have better plans?
mega-man_shadow Well, no... But maybe the Light Bots can help?
bass_swift ...Fine, go get your friendly Light bots, but I'm staying here.
mega-man_shadow Glad we can agree on something. I'll be back! (Teleports out)
Because you didn't bother helping with a plan from Ninja Man, Bt Man, or Sargent Man, and because I just want to do something other than my robots secretly telling Spinstrike to hurry up, I just decided for Bt Man to ask help from a robot in Light Labs. This will get things busy.
^ Top
4,502,757 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on November 12th, 2014 at 12:35pm
Posted 2014/11/12 at 12:35pm
@Btman: Sorry I've taken so long! I've been pretty busy these last few months, so I haven't had much time to post. I'll have my next scene up by tonight.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
33,453,614 BP
44 TP | 4927 PP
Posted on November 12th, 2014 at 3:30pm
Posted 2014/11/12 at 3:30pm
@Spinstrike : Ok. Reminder: MBM set you up on a decision to give up due to overwhelming or to keep fighting. Another thing to consider is that we need to speed things up so we can start the RP that MBM wants to do after this one.
^ Top
79,651,336 BP
55 TP | 1831 PP
Posted on November 12th, 2014 at 5:19pm
Posted 2014/11/12 at 5:19pm
[OOC: @Bt Man : Spinstrike can consider that void if he wants. Also, while I'd like everyone to finish, it's not for a completely new RP. That's going to be a side-project, I just want to get to the finale of this season so we can move onto the third season.
^ Top
4,502,757 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on November 12th, 2014 at 6:51pm Edited on 2014/11/18 at 8:14pm
Posted 2014/11/12 at 6:51pm Edited 2014/11/18 at 8:14pm
[OOC: Whelp, here it is! My latest chapter in a long, long time!]

top-man_alt    needle-mancrystal-man

top-man_alt What’s our status?
needle-manThey’ve got us pinned down, boss! Er—no pun intended…
crystal-manThere are simply too many of them. I suggest we fall back.
top-man_altToo many? Pah! Step aside, cowards!
crystal-manSir, I don’t—Sir!
*Liquid rushes off to the front line.*
toad-man    knight-mantop-mangyro-man         top-man_alt

top-manThere he is!
toad-manRibbit! Blast him, quickly!
gyro-manI’ve got him in my sights!
knight-manShow no quarter, friends!
top-man_altHeh…you fools have no idea who you’re dealing with, do you? Let’s see how you handle my true power!
toad-man    knight-mantop-mangyro-man        time-slow top-man_alttime-slow

toad-man    knight-mantop-mangyro-man        buster-shot top-man_alt

gyro-manGot ‘im!
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