Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

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Master Alicia

Master Alicia is an active player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 64,547,715 and a zenny total of 4,294,967,295. Master Alicia created her account on August 25th, 2017 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 74 robot masters, learned 171 special abilities, found 91 different inventory items, and collected 1024 elemental stars. Master Alicia's top five favourite robot masters are Rhythm, Bubble Man, Bass, Mega Man, and Ice Man and her top five most-used robot masters are Rhythm, Toad Man, Bubble Man, Proto Man, and Elec Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Master Alicia had amassed a grand total of 1,283,632,644 battle points and reached 21st place.

Community Forum Stats
  • 92 Threads
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  • +2336 Rating

Master Alicia's Leaderboard

Sad Battle Bomb Survival author/developer
Retired Super Bomb Survival Expert
Mega Man RPG Prototype Expert/Strategist and Master of Area of Effect attacks
Zombie Attack expert/Wolf Loner
Plague Inc Expert
Retired Roblox player
Retired MegAdventure RP-er because my heart is totally broken to see my only favourite OC is dead.
I'll never come back to this RP again and now I am forever heartbroken...

Mega Man 112 Operator Creator in Role-Play community

Mega Man 112 Operator

My favourite theme

All in your head (Neurax Worm)
Flatten the Curve (Cure Mode)
Virus Robot boss (They're calling my flight)
Cuphead Botanic Panic (When my arensal goes chaotic especially with my AoE attacks and the field goes chaotic)

All about me
I am the Mega Man/Bomberman/Kirby fangirl who likes to draw original characters especially the new and old ones as I may sometimes delaying my own stories, scenarios and etc. The things I really like is Mega Man Fully Charged (as sadly, it doesn’t get season 2 to be honest :( ) is my favourite episodes that featured Chemistry Man. My favourite series is Plague Inc, Mega Man and Bomberman. DM if you want to meet me in MMRPG Prototype Personal message or just asking a question. Also I'm the Master of Water. I may feel sad when it comes to players not taking the messages or sometimes gave up. I'm doing the sequel for Terror of Kaiju Paradise called Super Bomb Survival Shut Down as to imagine if the game was in big danger by the targeters. I'm the only being Master of Area of Effect attacks cuz I like using any abilities that could damage the benched robots. Yeah, I sometimes I hate toxic players such as HeatFromFire. I was said to be the Mega Man 112 Operator Creator in Role-Play Community which I might do that anyway

Battle Bomb Survival Series

BBS: New Beginning CYOA


BBS Prologue

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Craziest things that I done in MMRPG Prototype, Plague Inc Evolved and other websites pirate-man oil-man

Only using Water Robots in Player's Battles pump-man - okay this was done back in 2017 when I played the MMRPG Prototype for the first time as the only water robots that I used for in the battle is Bubble Man and Toad Man

Using (overpowered but nerfed) Rain Flush to defeat robots rain-flush

Taking a break from Super Bomb Survival away from bullies

Staying in one place on Zombie Attack

Being the Master of Area Of Effect attacks rain-flush block-dropper

Writing about Battle Bomb Survival: New Beginning (both in book and as CYOA one)

My choice of weapons
Since I'm the master of Area of Effect in some battles, I rely on some of attacks such as Rain Flush

Dynamo Bolt dynamo-bolt

Blizzard Attack blizzard-attack

Rain Flush (most used) rain-flush

Block Dropper block-dropper

Alicia the Water Guardian (ERN-001)
Quote: "I am very sleepy because I can be fallen asleep during
the day and that's why I played games a bit too much..."
"I am weak and tired from now then, I am drinking the brown sugar bubble tea
Weaknesses: Alicia can be very lazy that she can easily fall asleep during the battle
Appearances: Mega Man RPG: Take The Crown and Robot Master Rumble
Physical Appearance: Alicia was the youngest Water Guardian-sona and was like a bit short
than Ella who's taller than me. I have dyed blue hair on the right side of my hair and brown uncoloured left
and a water scarf on my neck, brown eyes and webbed hands and feet. In Dragon Form, my body appearance and my height changed slightly, like a bit dark glowing blue patterns
Personality: Calm, Sleepy, Hot-tempered (Occasional), Emotional and Wary. To anyone who know little about her, Alicia had a disorder called Autism that kinda makes her much tired and repetitive
Skill: I do not have it yet, but eventually that Depression Manic Attack will be my new skill once
I buy skill from the shop because it makes sense of Water Guardians being that much emotional
Moves: Water Breath, Water Hammer, Energy Boost, Water Blade, Gun N Run (originally but scrapped), and Anger Manic Attack
Likes: Sleeping (mostly), singing, Alex and sometimes fighting. I have shown to be liking of being home
alone, my favourite food Steak with Yogurt top on it, using my glowing patterns to talk and being in Dragon Form
Dislikes: Being disturbed by so many sounds (most of the time cuz I will
be squirming around to the quiet spot), black liquorice, murderers and bad sleep positions. I have shown
great dislike for flutes because I am real bad at using this instrument and will cry in embarrassment. Tonic Clonic seizures has been Alicia's most dislike thing which it stops her from drinking coffee or monster energy drinks
Trivia: Alicia along with Breeanna, Charlotte, Ethan and Claire was the Elemental Guardian-sona so far.
The future OCs might be there with different Elementals. Also, Alicia will mention Alex and her family in touch. She was the creator's favourite OC in some RPs till Alicia was dead in the Hunger Games on MegAdventure, breaking the creator's heart badly which it make her never do it again.
In fact, that Steak with Yoghurt is quite tasty to only Alicia not to others because they don't like having yoghurt on something except for their pasta meals that is
Favourite Song: No Mercy

Alex the Alicia's Water Guardian brother (ERN-00A)
Physical Appearance: His eyes were scary blue
Personality: Aggressive (More than Alicia in Depressive Form because he will not like anyone who's in her way), shifty, curious
Moves: Water Breath, Wrath Tackle, Water Hammer, Poison Jab and Whirlpool
Skill: Anger Manic Attack
Likes: Alicia
Dislikes: Anyone who gets in Alicia's way, cameras

Ella the Air Guardian (ERN-002)
Physical Appearance:

Neo Ton the Fire Guardian (ERN-003)
Physical Appearance: He has the flaming mask bandana on his mouth which he had scar in his lip as shown in
TTC: Minigames for some reason that it revealed the hot burning flames from the mouth of his. Neo Ton had a red eyes, red to oranged faded dyed hair and flaming scarf on his neck.

Liam the Earth Guardian (ERN-004)
Appearances: Mega Man: Take The Crown (?)
Physical Appearance:
Personality: Stern, aggressive, compassionate,
Moves: Digging, You're Got Punished
Dislikes: Opponents getting in his way (Mostly because he will punish them for like weeks or days)

Josh the Electricity Leader Guardian (ERN-005
Physical Appearance:

Breeanna the Poison Guardian (ERN-006)
Physical Appearance:
Likes: Alicia

Asher the Lava Guardian (ERN-007)

Cosmo the Ice Guardian (ERN-008)

Molly the Nature Guardian (ERN-009)

Noah the Metal Guardian (ERN-010)

Mack the Life Guardian (ERN-011)
Appearances: Mega Man RPG: Take The Crown
Physical Appearance: He has the doctor coat that has waist bag that had vaccines and medications, His hair are dyed pretty much light blue to avoid confusion with Alicia's partially blue dyed hair and he has Plague Doctor mask with him the whole time he wore almost every time
Personality: Kind, helpful,
Moves: Vaccination Jab, Energy Support, Life Support
Skill: Medical Support - Gives Mack a 1+ piority to energy or recovery-related support moves but though 2- piority to
attack/defense related boost moves(?)
Likes: Vaccinating people, medical stuffs
Trivia: Mack, along with Virus Robots, they were inspired from Plague Inc Evolved and Bio-Inc

Charlotte the Darkness Guardian (ERN-015)
Quote: "You do know that I am immune to physical attacks, so stop that. It won't work on me, Ivan
or Thomas because we all immune to kicks and punchs..."
Appearances: MegAdventure
Physical Appearance: Charlotte may be weak on her outside appearance along with her accessories like her black crystal pendent and
her spiky wrist bracelets on the arms and dark armour but don't let that fool anyone, she's that scary and deadly to anyone who's in her way with her menacing presence. Her eye colour is pure white, no blue or brown eye colour whatsoever and arguably the most scary Elemental Guardian in the world not even the bravest opponent will encounter her.
Personality: Cold, Aggressive, Calculated, Fearless and Strong. She hate everyone especially the Elemental Guardians (1st Arc siblings up to her 4th Arc siblings) for no reasons like 24/7 meaning Charlotte will either attack or leave angrily away from the people. To makes things a bit worst, Charlotte had no fear emotion due to her being the Darkness Guardian and are incapable of showing fear.
Moves: Fear of Oneself, Mind Control, Shield Protection
Likes: Killing, scaring the opponents with her presence all day, being scary, black and white things.
Dislikes: Almost everyone, colourful colours, anyone go near her (mostly that she prefers to be alone for the most of the time)h
Skill: not yet I say
Trivia: Charlotte was the scariest Elemental Guardian to be encountered during some of catastrophic incidents due to the fact that
she had the ability to steal opponent's power. Funny thing, is that Charlotte was the manager of Elemental Guardians depsite being cold to them

Ethan the Aminus Psychic Guardian Narrator (ERN-016)
Quotes: "Hehehe, I am very playful than Molly because I can copy anyone's powers"
Appearances: Mega Man RPG: Take The Crown (TBA)
Physical Appearances: He has a long purple pinkish scarf on his neck which it floats when he leviates in the air as well as the brown hair with the Mew hair clip and had a purple backpack on his back.
Personality: Playful (Always), watchful, cocky and overconfidient.
Likes: Mario games, narrating of knowing about every Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Specific conditions for every Elemental guardian's forms
Moves: Depends on the series, Ethan can copy powers like for example, Fire Man's Fire Storm and Proto Man's Proto Strike similarly to Mew from Pokemon series. Due to being Aminus guardian, he can cast some of enchantments on either opponents or his allies therefore the first one to be Animus Psychic Guardian.
Trivia: Ethan is Alicia's third favourite OC because he was the first to have only 5 moves that is copied from his opponents which Alicia would like to test him out once the raid is finished

Mega Man Series as of shown in Take The Crown despite the variant of my characters
1st Arc Elemental Guardians
Alicia - ERN-001 (O)
Ella - ERN-002 (O)
Neo Ton - ERN-003 (O)
Liam - ERN-004 (O)
Josh - ERN-005 (O)

2nd Arc Elemental Guardians
Breeanna - ERN-006 (X)
Asher - ERN-007 (X)
Cosmo - ERN-008 (X)
Molly - ERN-009 (X)
Noah - ERN-010 (X)

3rd Arc Elemental Guardians
Mack - ERN-011 (O)
Leo - ERN-012 (X)
Medley though she didn't have Power Form instead have Monster Form - VRN-001 (X)
Ivan - ERN-013 (X)
Thomas - ERN-014 (X)

4th Arc Elemental Guardians
Charlotte - ERN-015 (X)
Ethan and Claire - ERN-016 and ERN-017 (X)
Pearl - ERN-018 (X)
Unnamed Light Guardian - ERN-019 (X)
Barracuda - ERN-020 (X)

5th Arc Elemental Guardians?!
Theo - ERN-021 (X)
Peril - ERN-022 (X)
Unnamed Cooking Guardian - ERN-023
Maya - ERN-024
Unnamed War Guardian - ERN-025

Pac-Man X Series
Alicia - ERN-001
Ella - ERN-002

Extinct Elemental Type Guardians
They used to roam in the Earth in many years until they got extinct for some various reasons and last seen in the past years as
they were far powerful than the current Elemental Guardians putted together and could stop a strong opponent by using their attacks. Decades goes on and on and there's no more of them sadly to the current day of the Mega Man World. Extinct Elemental Guardians will may or may not included in some Role-Plays, probably to bring one of those bad boys or girls back to the modern world

Fighting Guardians - reason: The last Fighting Guardian was seen in 1900s and it was taken down by a ruthless mercenary in 1925 after the WW1 was there
Dragon Guardians - reason: It's pretty unknown when they got wiped out. It is theorised that many people don't like this type of Elemental Guardian so they were hunted down to zero
Time Guardians
Past Guardians
Future Guardians
Building Guardians
Colour Guardians
Aether Guardians
Goo Guardians
Fairy Guardians
Insect Guardians

Hybrid Elemental Guardians

Plague Inc is good!

Plague Inc

Plague types

Plague type I love the most

-Neurax Worm


-Bio Weapon

Plague type I dread/hate the most...


Plague type I never tried before

-Simian Flu
-Shadow Plague
-Necroa Virus


Scenarios I love the most
-Science Denial
-Santa's Little Helper
-Who Cares
-Flight Club

-Artificial Organs
-Black Death scenario
-Created Equal
-Pirate Plague
-Golden Age
-Frozen Virus
-Fake News

Scenarios I dread/hate the most...
-Mad Cow Disease scenario
-Shut Down Everything
-Smallpox scenario
-Volcanic Ash
-Global Warming and Ice Age
-Ultimate Board Games

Scenarios I never tried before
-Mirror Earth
-Unknown Origin
-Soveregin Default
-Where Is Everyone?
-Nipah Virus scenario

-Santa's Little Helper
-Science Denial

-Mad Cow Disease

Cure Mode

Plague type I love the most


Plague type I hate/dread the most...
-Nano Virus
-Bio Weapon (However when playing the Main mode, I'm neutral to this)

My gameplay screenshots

Flight club is my favourite scenario all of them!
Anti-fun teams, why?
Oh no, Medley has become more powerful in Mega Brutal difficulty! RUN!
Did I kill corrupted Bactrium with Vaccine (Cure)?
All around me are familar faces... Sorry Neuraxy!
*Inserts Mega Man 2 Stage Clear music* FINALLY I WON!
This is how look like in Medley's Revenge scenario
Oh my god, what happened to Medley here? This is look the infectious Robot Master herself! STOP!

Virus Robots

Medley - VRN-001
Quote: "I am the deadly Virus Robot back in 19XX! One bite from me and you'll pass out!"
Appearances: Mega Man RPG: Take The Crown (TBA)
Physical Appearance: She had scars on her face after she was slashed by Slash Man that makes her a bit scary to some of people who might encounter her in her way despite Medley wasn't a villain after the Mega Man 2 AU ending.
Personality: Destructive, Hotheaded, Curious and Considerate.
Moves: Rabid Bite, Venom Spit, Disease Touch, Corona Spikes
Skill: Potent Viral Vector - disease-related attacks like Rabid Bite will be stronger in 15%
Likes: Alicia
Trivia: Rabid Bite was inspired from the real world deadly zoonotic virus. It is said to be virtually 100% lethal

Denki - VRN-002
Prion Viper - VRN-003
Neuraxy - VRN-004
Para - VRN-005
Bactrium - VRN-006
Fungusy - VRN-007
Nano - VRN-008

-The Virus Robots are inspired from the disease game called Plague Inc where you use said disease to eradicate humanity. Also they was inspired from the disease movies like Outbreak (1995) and Contagion (2011) because how their disease starters are similar to the pathogenic viruses, bacterias and biological weapons.

-Neuraxy and Nano are the only OCs to be excluded in Kirby Series.
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