Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 8111 Players | 1 Online )

ReptilianProphet is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 8,038,825 and a zenny total of 74,542. ReptilianProphet created his account on March 10th, 2015 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 38 robot masters, learned 119 special abilities, found 60 different inventory items, and collected 482 elemental stars. ReptilianProphet's top five most-used robot masters are Proto Man, Mega Man, Bass, Roll, and Disco.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, ReptilianProphet had amassed a grand total of 373,531,177 battle points and reached 48th place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, ReptilianProphet had amassed a grand total of 552,340,690 battle points and reached 40th place.

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  • 0 Threads
  • 8 Posts
  • +16 Rating

ReptilianProphet's Leaderboard

Battle Points Overview

+ / -

Total Battle Points 8,088,825 BP

Chapters Completed
x 15
+ 375,000 BP
Campaigns Completed
x 3
+ 750,000 BP
Doctors Unlocked
x 3
+ 150,000 BP
Abilities Unlocked
x 119
+ 1,077,250 BP
Items Unlocked
x 60
+ 673,550 BP
Robots Unlocked
x 38
+ 380,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Level
x 38
+ 152,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Attack
x 5
+ 10,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Defense
x 5
+ 10,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Speed
x 5
+ 10,000 BP
Robots w/ Alt Outfits
x 35
+ 70,025 BP
Robots Encountered
x 120
+ 120,000 BP
Robots Defeated
x 120
+ 120,000 BP
Robots Summoned
x 43
+ 43,000 BP
Robots Scanned
x 120
+ 120,000 BP
Field Stars Collected
x 32
+ 128,000 BP
Fusion Stars Collected
x 450
+ 3,600,000 BP
Player Battle Tokens
x 30
+ 300,000 BP
MMRPG Prototype v3.8.25 by Ageman20XX | Mega Man Trademarks & Characters © Capcom 1986 - 2024
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