Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 8087 Players | 3 Online )

SarahlinDMG is an inactive player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 31,805,678 and a zenny total of 243,983,175. SarahlinDMG created her account on September 14th, 2014 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 73 robot masters, learned 211 special abilities, found 85 different inventory items, and collected 1024 elemental stars. SarahlinDMG's top five favourite robot masters are Bass, Gemini Man, Disco, Rhythm, and Roll and her top five most-used robot masters are Bass, Quick Man, Gemini Man, Disco, and Ring Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, SarahlinDMG had amassed a grand total of 71,427,425,607 battle points and reached 14th place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, SarahlinDMG had amassed a grand total of 332,297,151 battle points and reached 53rd place.

Community Forum Stats
  • 30 Threads
  • 610 Posts
  • +1205 Rating

SarahlinDMG's Leaderboard

Hello everyone! I am the legend known as SarahDXZ, a user that's been here since September of 2014. It is with great pleasure to welcome you to my profile!

roll If anything has come from me joining this site so many years ago, it's the experience I've built up, the friends I've made, and the time I spent making things work, figuring out who I am. I'm no contributor, but I'll gladly promote this game in any way I can. You all have given me such a wonderful time, and I want to spend that much more here. Thank you Adrian, and to the other mods, and even Mikey, you're never forgotten to me, even if you're gone from the Mod List, you all have helped me so much. Thank You! disco_alt rhythm_alt

Sakuya Izayoi edit of Rhythm_BCA's Disco!

Marissa Kirisimi edit of Rhythm_BCA's Rhythm!

Splash-Woman as Flame Core, Sprites by Rhythm_BCA, reworking done by SakuyaDXZ/ZeroDXZ

Bt-Man's old days

Sergeant-Man, a very old character that no one remembers but i.

A mirrored CP of Blade Man from Mega Man 10

A Shadow Core Metal Man, done by reworking Rhythm_BCA's Metal-Man

A Valentines Day Gravity-Man.

A meme made by Shadownnico, i do not regret mentioning Heavy's voice lines in the discord

disco Discord is Sarah022#2206
gemini-man Youtube is "Yuuki Terumeme"
dr-wily Steam is "Terumeme"

disco_alt Time for a break already? disco_alt3

I might as well start a friends list here.

proto-man_electric:Retro Pikachu
mega-man_shadow:Beta Shadow/BT-Man
dr-light:Ageman20XX A.k.a Adrian Marceau

Challenge Achievements - splash-woman splash-woman

fortune-module Cleared "Dreams of Electric Sheep" Event Mission! ring-man

fortune-module Cleared "Rising Tides, Crashing Skies" Event Mission! gemini-man

fortune-module Cleared "Welcome to My Chemical Paradise!" Event Mission! ring-man

fortune-module Cleared "Pump's Agents of W.A.T.E.R. Shield" Event Mission! ring-man

fortune-module Cleared "Super Cool Water Balloon Fight!" Event Mission! bass

fortune-module Cleared "Fun-In-The-Sun Solar Workout Rerun!" Event Mission! roll

fortune-module Cleared "Hornet's Animal Kingdom" Event Mission! roll

fortune-module Cleared "Plant Man's Secret Garden" Event Mission! mega-man

fortune-module Cleared "Faster Than The Speed of Sound" Event Mission! roll

fortune-module Cleared "Explosions... Are ART!" Event Mission! ring-man

fortune-module Cleared "Pirate Men Tell No Tales" Event Mission! gemini-man

fortune-module Cleared "Tear Down This Wall!" Event Mission! astro-man
field-star Cleared "Tear Down This Wall!" Event Mission, with an A Rank! bass

fortune-module Cleared "Dual at Ganryu Island" Event Mission! astro-man
field-star Cleared "Dual at Ganryu Island" Event Mission, with an A Rank! bass

fortune-module Cleared "Charge Kickoff!" Event Mission! roll

field-star Cleared Wave 26 of Endless Mode! disco_alt

field-star REACH 1024 STARFORCE!! disco_alt

disco_alt "You're about to see, a power... a power that goes beyond, a power beyond normal determination. You all simply call it bull, but I trained my body and went through hell and back for this power. This determination of mine, shall drive me forward and beyond, beyond any star, and beyond ANY planet."
MMRPG Prototype v3.8.25 by Ageman20XX | Mega Man Trademarks & Characters © Capcom 1986 - 2024
This fangame was created by and his team. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by Capcom.
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