Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 8105 Players | 3 Online )

SarahlinDMG is an inactive player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 31,805,678 and a zenny total of 243,983,175. SarahlinDMG created her account on September 14th, 2014 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 73 robot masters, learned 211 special abilities, found 85 different inventory items, and collected 1024 elemental stars. SarahlinDMG's top five favourite robot masters are Bass, Gemini Man, Disco, Rhythm, and Roll and her top five most-used robot masters are Bass, Quick Man, Gemini Man, Disco, and Ring Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, SarahlinDMG had amassed a grand total of 71,427,425,607 battle points and reached 14th place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, SarahlinDMG had amassed a grand total of 332,297,151 battle points and reached 53rd place.

Community Forum Stats
  • 30 Threads
  • 610 Posts
  • +1205 Rating

SarahlinDMG's Leaderboard

Battle Points Overview

+ / -

Total Battle Points 32,123,679 BP

Chapters Completed
x 15
+ 375,000 BP
Campaigns Completed
x 3
+ 750,000 BP
Doctors Unlocked
x 3
+ 150,000 BP
Abilities Unlocked
x 211
+ 2,424,050 BP
Items Unlocked
x 85
+ 764,800 BP
Robots Unlocked
x 73
+ 730,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Level
x 67
+ 268,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Attack
x 64
+ 128,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Defense
x 64
+ 128,000 BP
Robots w/ Max Speed
x 62
+ 124,000 BP
Robots w/ Alt Outfits
x 70
+ 140,244 BP
Robots Encountered
x 154
+ 154,000 BP
Robots Defeated
x 154
+ 154,000 BP
Robots Summoned
x 98
+ 98,000 BP
Robots Scanned
x 149
+ 149,000 BP
Field Stars Collected
x 32
+ 128,000 BP
Fusion Stars Collected
x 992
+ 7,936,000 BP
Challenge Mode Victories
x 9
+ 12,763,191 BP
Player Battle Tokens
x 435
+ 4,350,000 BP
Endless Attack Waves
x 28
+ 409,394 BP
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